Compromising Personal Freedom

Compromising Personal Freedom


Arbitrary and Illegal Practices of the Security Forces against Citizens

On October 15, 2017; December 27, 2018, UFL filed several complaints against the top officers in the General Directorate of Public Security, the Internal Security Forces, and Army Intelligence. The one against the General Director of Public Security was on the account of violating the constitution and applicable laws related to acts of individuals by the directorate and the army intel. This was the result of committing violations of human rights and personal liberties and the use of unjustified violence against citizens.

Assault on Peaceful Protestors

On November 1, 2019, UFL pressed a criminal charge before the Public Prosecutor’s Office against all those involved in assaulting the protestors of the October Revolution. In relation to counts included verbal and physical assault, libel and slander, discrimination, triggering sectarian conflict as well as the inability of the police forces to protect the peaceful protestors.

The Case of Stateless Individuals

On September 18, 2018, UFL filed a lawsuit on “the right to a nationality” for stateless individuals who happened to live on the margins of society. This is regarded as a top priority matter for the alliance that has been closely following up on it.

Other Cases

Assaults on basic civil rights were committed by officers and members of the security and armed forces. Unfortunately, the extent of the complicity of judicial and governmental officials has been evident in preventing the assaulters from being held accountable even assaults on attorneys while they practice their duty of defending those they represent also go unpunished, especially over the past few years. Having this said, the question remains on the daily and repetitive assaults on the rest of the citizens.

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